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Hahn Premium Lager

Wed, 2013-07-24 11:57 -- bob
Hahn Premium Lager

A LAGER by any other name may be a lager, unless it is a pilsner.


Well the good folk at Hahn have revisited their Hahn Premium lager and decided the time was right for we 'grown-up' beer drinkers to finally come to terms with a decent lager-cum-pilsner.

With some minor tinkering, master brewer Chuck Hahn and his boys have come up with an improved Hahn Premium, which unashamedly calls itself a pilsner.

It isn't quite in the same vein as a Czech pilsner, and has a much more distinct hop character to it.

With a good solid white head and a rich golden colour, the main distinction will be the hop content, both in flavour and in nose.

It has the crispness you expect from a pilsner, and is well-balanced across the palate, serving up plenty of flavour.

One thing to be said of Chuck's beers is they don't scrimp on the flavour factor.

In fact this aspect was one of the factors that prompted a 'revisit' to the Hahn Premium.

Apparently, even those of us who enjoy a mainstream beer are starting to look for brews that have a bit more character. Who would have thought it?

Anyway, the end result is a full-strength pilsner at 5 per cent, which is a very refreshing thirst quencher that doesn't sit heavily in the gut.

Being a little more robust than its predecessor, the Premium should appeal to those drinkers who enjoy a little more bitterness in the after taste.

With its cleansing nature, it would go well with Thai food or a curry and is particularly well-suited to enjoying after a hard day in the yard or at work.

Fortunately, this isn't just a cosmetic change to Hahn Premium (changing the label) but an actual change to the beer without losing quality. Cheers Chuck, you've done it again!


Serve this nice and cold but not chilled. Essentially, you would have this out of a tall pilsner-type glass, but if you don't have one in your pocket, straight from the stubbie will be just as rewarding. At about $17 per 330ml six pack at major chains, it's competitively priced.

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