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Kosciuszko Pale Ale

Wed, 2012-01-04 16:07 -- bob
Kosciuszko Pale Ale

IT'S appropriate that the latest offering from the Malt Shovel Brewery is named after Australia's highest mountain because it has come out on top at the Royal Queensland Food and Wine Show Beer Competition.

Kosciuszko Pale Ale isn't as pronounced a pale ale as some in the market but it brings all the qualities, fragrance, flavour and sessionability together in a very enjoyable fashion.

Developed in Jindabyne at the "highest brewery in Australia", Kosci (as it shall be known in this column so I don't have to write out the full name) has a slightly cloudy, golden appearance with a good tight, white head.

The aroma presents an interesting mix of malts with hints of citrus.

It is full bodied and full strength at 4.5 per cent.

It comes across clean and crisp with an intriguing mix of malt and fruit notes.

However, it leaves a slightly bitter aftertaste which draws you back for another mouthful.

It doesn't sit heavily in the gut which makes it an ideal session beer and well-suited for the warmer months.

Kosci is a true thirst quencher and like an award winning beer should, allows you to think more about what you like about it with every mouthful.

Being a pale ale, I think it would be well-suited to seafoods, white meat dishes and most light summer foods.

It would also go well with some light, spicy Asian dishes where it can cleanse the palate but because of its versatility, it wouldn't be a stranger at any barbecue either.

It's not a quaffing beer but it does have qualities which make it hard to stop at just a few.
After a few of these, like the name implies, you'll be feeling "on top of the world" (or Australia at least).


Serve this up nice and cold and preferably in a tulip or balloon glass to appreciate the qualities of this ale. Being a top drop, it draws you back for another and at about $17 per 330ml six pack, you'd better make sure you have a few in the fridge. Available through major retail chains.

Comments (2)

Mike Williamson's picture

Mike Williamson (not verified)

With all the fuss going on about James Squire 150 Lashes Pale Ale, (which I also like) I found this as a step up again. The same style of beer as the Lashes but with a bit more (sounds like a Mazda commercial). I had it (well a few) with a beautiful Barraundi Fish dish at a local Threadbo restaurant after skiing a few weeks ago and it was a perfect match. Great drop!

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