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Viking Pilsner

Mon, 2014-02-10 08:18 -- bob
Viking Pilsner

IF you are looking for the perfect drop to go with pillaging and plundering, look no further than Viking pilsner from Iceland.

For a country that didn't allow beer until 1989, they have certain come up with an interest brew in a short period of time.

Their biggest marketing ploy is that they claim to make the beer from the purest water in the world and I suppose that would be hard to argue.

And while water is a key component of any beer, it's all about the taste (isn't it?)

Viking has a rich golden appearance with a thin white head but good gas.

There's a fair amount of hop bitterness initially on the nose but there is hint of malt which comes through as well.

At first you might think is just going to be like any other lager on the market but there's an interest combination of flavours. It is clean and crisp at first with that bitterness coming through but that gives way to a smooth malt after taste, which when combined with the bitterness is very moreish and draws you back.

Some might even find this to have just a hint of sweetness to it as well but it's not overpowering and definitely doesn't detract from the overall flavour.

It is a full strength beer at 4.4 percent and doesn't sit heavily in the gut, making it a very social beer.

I found well suited to the warmer weather, refreshing and thirst quenching and I would recommend this with light white meat dishes, fresh seafood or salads. It's also a good barbeque beer and a great talking point with a distinctive label.

You mightn't find yourself donned the Viking gear and heading off in the long boats but if this is a taste of Iceland where in summer they have nearly 24 hours of daylight - this is one drop I could have a day-long session on.


This is from Iceland so serve this very cold, almost chilled in fact it holds its own either straight form the stubbie or in a tall pilsner glass. At 17 per 330ml six pack, it's worth tracking down.

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