Featured PubsUnion Hotel BrunswickBRUNSWICK, VICLyndhurst Club HotelBRUNSWICK, VICMoreland HotelBRUNSWICK, VICEdinburgh Castle HotelBRUNSWICK, VICThe Spotted MallardBRUNSWICK, VICVictoria Hotel BrunswickBRUNSWICK, VIC Map of BRUNSWICK, VIC, showing 8 Pubs/Hotels/Bars/Taverns.Show me pubs near meListing all 8 Pubs/Bars/Taverns/Hotels in BRUNSWICK, VIC:Edinburgh Castle HotelLyndhurst Club HotelMoreland HotelNoise Bar @ The Railway HotelThe Spotted MallardUnion Hotel BrunswickVictoria Hotel BrunswickZagame`s Brunswick Hotel