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Stone & Wood Garden Ale

Tue, 2014-04-29 17:25 -- bob
Stone & Wood Garden Ale

You know that you are on the right path when you are faced with a situation where demand for your beer is outstripping supply - and that’s the case with Byron-based brewers Stone & Wood.

The boys behind Pacific Ale, S&W Lager and Jasper Ale have expanded their operations with a new brewery in Murwillumbah, which is just as well because they also have a new addition to the range in Garden Ale. It is a delicious aromatic ale which fills a void in the mid-strength beer market by delivering a drop with flavour and character.

Garden Ale has a clean, copper colour with a good tight white head, but its nose is what stands it part from the majority of mid-strengths. There’s a fresh, citrus aroma which isn't overpowering like an American pale ale, but it does give away the fact this is a hoppy ale.

However, this also has a refreshing bitterness in the after taste, which is cleansing in nature and draws you back for the next mouthful.

Stone & Wood calls this a mid-strength, but at 3.8 per cent it is at the higher end of the mid range. It doesn't sit heavily in the gut and for that reason has excellent seasonability. It is a versatile ale which could be enjoyed year round and also would be well suited to a variety of dishes, from spicy food such as curries to roasted chicken.

Stone & Wood Garden Ale adds a new dimension to the mid-strength market (although I would be more inclined to treat it as a full strength to be on the safe side). It is definitely worth trying.


Serve this up nice and cold, but not chilled and I would suggest a nice tall pilsner-type glass. At about $9 per 500ml bottle it’s not cheap, but it is quality. You can find out where to pick up some Garden Ale at

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