WHEN it comes to beer, I am a self-confessed fan of pale ales.
(OK, I’m a self confessed fan of beer but pale ales rank up there with the more ‘desirable’ for me).
Matilda Bay, now brewed in Victorian has a great pale ale in its ranks called Alpha.
Named after the hops used, Alpha Pale Ale has a wonderful fruity, citrus bouquet, a slightly citrus first impression across the palate but leaves the mouth with a slight bitterness.
All this combines to make this truly well-balanced drop with excellent sessionability.
It has a rich copper colour but isn’t cloudy and with a creamy head, I found this to be a great beer to settle back with after a physical day’s work – mind you it’s a great beer to settle back with even if you didn’t do any work!
Some pale ales can be too tricky by half, offering so many different flavour influences they can become confusing but Alpha isn’t one of them.
There’s a subtle malt influence coming through but the predominant fruitiness (which isn’t sweet) and the bitter finish makes this appealing for those who looking for a refreshing change.
But don’t worry, the aftertaste won’t make you look like you have been sucking lemons.
Nor does it sit heavily in the gut even though it is 5.2 percent alcohol.
This would go well with a spicy fruity curry or casserole or even a glazed pork dish.
It’s well suited to the warmer months as a thirst quencher.
Take this to a party and you could say with pride that you are an ‘Alpha’ male.
Gets this drop nice and cold and serve it best in a tulip or balloon style glass to best appreciate the aroma of Alpha. It’s good for a Barbie or sitting back with friends but be aware that this is a full strength beer which could easily sneak up on you due to the fact that it is very moorish and hard to stop at one. Alpha is available through outlets like Dan Murphys at around $19 per 345ml six pack.