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Victoria Pale Lager

Wed, 2012-01-04 15:49 -- bob
Victoria Pale Lager

A BIG cold thirst needs a big cold beer but sometimes you might like something not quite as "robust" as VB.

With that in mind, Carlton United Breweries has released Victoria Pale Lager, a good thirst-quencher on a hot day.

You shouldn't think this is a pale ale but it is brewed with pale malts and the result is a beer that is more "polished" than its better-known cousin VB.

In fact I'm sure there will be plenty of people comparing it to VB and the two are quite distinct.

The Pale Lager offers a smoother, slightly creamier taste without the bitter "bite". If you are familiar with VBm you might find this a bit lacking in it's aftertaste.

It is a clean, golden straw-coloured beer with a tight, white head and an aroma that gives off hints of malt and hops.

It is smooth and slightly creamy across the palate with malt notes. The Pale doesn't sit heavily in the stomach and, at 4.4 per cent, is deemed a full-strength beer. Coming from the same stable as VB, it has great "sessionability" and for those who find VB a bit much after a few, you'll be bale to down a few more of these.

This is "social" beer, well suited to summer parties, and would go well with white meat and seafood dishes, salads and light Asian foods.


Get them cold - almost chilled - fire up the barbie and let the good times roll. At around $15 per six pack of 355ml stubbies, it's going to be a popular sight at summer.

However judge it on it's own merits and don't think of it as a VB challenger.

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