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Clipper Light

Tue, 2011-02-15 02:50 -- bob
Clipper Light

TO prove that I am socially responsible, this week I tried a light beer (yes light) – Clipper Light.

I know they are a necessary evil but all too often, light beers don’t present a good
alternative and I find myself rather wanting a soft drink than going for some feeble
brewed option.

However this lager from Western Australia offered a pleasant surprise and actually had some flavour and body to it.

There aren’t too many lights that can claim that.

It has a clean, golden appearance with a good tight white head and a distinct hoppy

It has a good body, not unlike some blonde beers and you can pick up the hop nature of the lager in the aftertaste.

It is a clean, crisp lager which would quench a thirst and is quite refreshing in its nature and doesn’t sit heavily in the gut. It even has a good sessionable quality.

There is also a decent bitterness to it which actually makes it quite easy to chug down.

Normally, you find beer lovers who drink light do so under sufferance – because they are driving, or at a work function or have the misses watching (especially after a big session earlier in the week).

I can honestly say I wouldn’t mind if someone put one of these in my hand and if it
weren’t labeled as a light, you’d find yourself enjoying this anyway.

It would go well with light summer-style dishes, some seafoods or salads or even some light Asian foods.

In comes in a long neck stubbie so it’s not a dead-set ‘giveaway’ (that you are having a light).

If you have to be responsible or simply don’t want to wake up with e hangover, Clipper Light is definitely worth trying.


Serve this nice and cold, almost chilled either in a glass or straight out of the stubbie. It’s a classy light lager and at $10 per 330ml six pack, it is also good value – and you won’t be off to the loo quite so often (light beers will do that to you!)

Comments (2)

Ribs's picture

Ribs (not verified)

bloody good drop for a cats piss light beer

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