About Clifton Hill Hotel:
The Clifton Hill has been the meeting venue for Irish Emigrants since the 1960's. It was and still is the first port of call for those emigrants requiring employment and the smile from a friendly face. The pub has developed and extended since those early days.
It now provides extensive entertainment to suit all patrons needs. The local pub atmosphere still remains today and can be experienced in
… read more The Clifton Hill has been the meeting venue for Irish Emigrants since the 1960's. It was and still is the first port of call for those emigrants requiring employment and the smile from a friendly face. The pub has developed and extended since those early days.
It now provides extensive entertainment to suit all patrons needs. The local pub atmosphere still remains today and can be experienced in any of the lounges or casual drinking areas. The owners pride themselves on the home away from home environment they have created for the clientele.
The venue has entertainment five nights a week and the music ranges from original blues nights to Irish contemporary cover acts to international acts.
The Emerald Lounge is home to the nine magnificent painting depicting Irish mythology and it is the focal point of the room. These paintings were completed over a two year period by Melbourne based Belfast artist Deirdre O'Reilly.
These paintings bring warmth to the room, ease to the high profile local national and international acts performing on stage and solace to all that visit the hotel.
The Emerald Lounge is acknowledged as one of the better venues for musicians to perform in Melbourne.
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Out of Date info
The Clifton Hill Hotel has not had live music on Friday, Saturdays, or Sundays since June 2010. The Emerald Lounge is not open to the public, it is used solely for private hire. There is an acoustic night on Wednesday night (the only music night now). It closes anywhere between 11pm - 1am on Fridays (stays open til 1am if there are at least 10 people in the pub - which is rare nowadays).