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Pistonhead Kustom Lager

Sat, 2014-06-28 14:10 -- bob
Pistonhead Kustom Lager

A BLACK can, a smiling skull head and an unusual name - Pistonhead - what more could a beer lover want?

This new arrival from Sweden is bound to find plenty of friends and not just in the motor head world. It is a surprisingly good lager, easy to drink with good flavours and body and a more-ish nature.

Pistonhead has a medium gold appearance with a light white head and a roast malt nose.

Admittedly, Pistonhead is only available in cans (for now) so it is best to pour it into a glass to fully appreciate it. It is a surprisingly well-balanced lager with good body and flavour across the palate. It also has enough bitterness in the aftertaste to cleanse the mouth and leave you wanting more.

It is a refreshing and thirst-quenching drop and well-suited to Australian tastes. It doesn't sit heavily in the gut and for that reason has good sessionability and at 4.6% gives a good buzz . Pistonhead – try saying that after you've had a few – is a very social Pistonheadbeer and an ideal barbecue drop and conversation starter, thanks largely to the distinct can.

It will appeal to mainstream beer drinkers looking for something that will satisfy a thirst or rev heads looking to make a statement.

MY TIP: I prefer to drink beer from glass but this isn't too bad straight out of the can. I'm informed stubbies will be released in Australia later in the year. It retails for about $16 per 330ml six pack of cans. For more info on availability contact Angela on 0418 595 032

Comments (1)

Linda McCulloch's picture

Linda McCulloch (not verified)

Thank you for your kind consideration for people with Coeliac, most restaurants ignore this serious condition or at the very least treat it as a fad. Your fish in white rice batter and chips was also the best myself & my husband (who is not GF) have ever had.. have promoted your Hotel on my FB page.

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