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Beer reviews

Here's To Beers with Bob AnthonyBob Anthony, columnist and home brewer

I'm a beer columnist and home brewer. Here I cover everything to do with one of the most popular and discussed beverages in the world.

Cheers! Bob


Tue, 2011-05-10 23:23 -- bob

THE first and possibly the most impressive thing you notice about Lucky beer is the

Shaped like a laughing Buddha, you’d buy this beer just for that however what good is a
beer if you are only going to look at it.

This Chinese beer is brewed on a rice base combined with barley to deliver something
that’s a bit different to your usual Asian fare.

It has a honey gold appearance and is slightly hazy when first poured into a glass.

There’s a frothy white head and a slight barley aroma with hints of citrus.


Tue, 2011-05-03 01:06 -- bob

IT is completely unintentional that this week’s review beer comes from Japan.

I came across Sapporo on the way to a party and while I have tried many Japanese beers
and found them to my liking (what beer isn’t), I hadn’t tried this more famous brand.

Sapporo has all the hallmark qualities of Japanese beers when it comes to colour,
appearance and aroma but it has a unique aftertaste quality unlike other beers from Japan which I have tired.

The appearance is a clean golden straw colour with a good tight white head.

Radeberger pilsner

Tue, 2011-04-19 07:47 -- bob
Radeberger pilsner

IF you bother to look around, you can find little ‘treasures’ all over the place.

On one of my journeys, I came across an appealing German pilsner Radeberger.

This fully imported drop offers up all that you come to expect from German beer,
flavour, body and purity.

This fully imported pilsner has a clean honey/straw colour with a tight, white head and a
distinctive hop aroma.

It is clean and crisp across the palate with body, though it tends to be on the lighter side
in nature, not alcohol content.

Phoenix from Mauritius

Wed, 2011-04-13 05:38 -- bob
Phoenix from Mauritius

THIS week’s beer is delicious, nutritious and comes from Mauritius.

Alright so it might not be that nutritious but two out of three ain’t bad.

Phoenix is a product from Mauritius and I happened across it by accident – lucky me.

This is a great lager with all the qualities you arte after in a beer.

It has a good cooper colour with a tight white head and a barley aroma which isn’t too


Wed, 2011-03-23 10:02 -- bob

THE Chinese have shown they are able to copy just about anything and with Tsingtao,
they have shown they can copy German beers pretty well.

Tsingtao has a great golden straw colour with a light white head and a subtle but
recognizable malt aroma.

Initally, there is no great flavour hit but that does come and when it does, it is a clean,
crisp and lingering bitterness which comes from a blend of barley and malts.


Thu, 2011-03-03 01:04 -- bob

WHEN the weather is stinking hot and humid, it’s the perfect time to be bold and try and
find a beer that will quench a thirst.

Usually that quest has you looking in the non Australian end of the beer fridge at the
local which is exactly what I did and there I found Gosser.

Proudly boasting that it is Austria’s finest beer, Gosser pale lager has plenty to live up to.

Having tried plenty of European beers, I was expecting something with a robust barley/
hop flavour which would be very clean and crisp in flavour.

I was partially right.

Hahn Belgian White

Thu, 2011-02-17 12:31 -- bob
Hahn Belgian White

AS a beer columnist, there are times when you can’t seem to find something new to try and just when I thought I was stuck for this week, White before my eyes, Hahn was come up with an answer.

Hahn Belgian White is the latest in what I would term ‘summer beers’ which are drops which are ideally suited to the warmer months.

This offering from Hahn has a solid golden appearance, a good tight white head and distinct citrus aroma.

Clipper Light

Tue, 2011-02-15 02:50 -- bob
Clipper Light

TO prove that I am socially responsible, this week I tried a light beer (yes light) – Clipper Light.

I know they are a necessary evil but all too often, light beers don’t present a good
alternative and I find myself rather wanting a soft drink than going for some feeble
brewed option.

However this lager from Western Australia offered a pleasant surprise and actually had some flavour and body to it.

There aren’t too many lights that can claim that.

It has a clean, golden appearance with a good tight white head and a distinct hoppy

Endeavour Amber Ale Reserve 2010

Wed, 2011-02-09 01:09 -- bob
Endeavour Amber Ale Reserve 2010

HAVING been impressed with the Endeavour 2010 Reserve Pale Ale, it was with considerable interest that I sampled the Amber Ale of the same vintage.

This drop from Sydney is a fine well-balance ale which delivers on flavour and body.

It has a rich bronze appearance with a good tight white head and a well rounded malt aroma with subtle barley notes coming through.

Mythos Greek Lager

Thu, 2011-01-20 07:47 -- bob
Mythos Greek Lager

IF you are looking for something a little different over the holidays, consider going Greek – beer that is!

Mythos authentic Greek Lager beer hasn’t been around for that long but it has a plenty of the qualities which should appeal to a broad beer drinking market.

It has a good golden colour with a fine white head and with a very subtle hop/barley aroma.

It is clean and crisp across the palate with just enough bitterness to draw you back in terms of quenching a thirst.

It doesn’t sit heavily in the gut and is ideally suited to the warmer months.


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